Thursday, June 27, 2013

Windsor, Ontario Child Portraits | Muse: Ty at Pioneer Village

Muse: Ty
Pioneer Village

Ty is dear to my heart. He is energetic, spontaneous, adventurous and a bit of a drama queen and I take full responsibility for his character. Yup, he is my 8 year-old boy, one of my muses and one of the only who has ever heard my heartbeat from the inside.

Ty came home from school one day excited to tell me all about his history class on pioneers. He was very intrigued by how things "used to get done".  I had a fun idea. We could both get something out of a little plan I devised - visit to a pioneer house in a park with a pioneer museum.

Above: Ty insists this image above would represent a blacksmith's shop. He is the Blacksmith of the      Village.

I am lucky Ty makes such a great muse. As a former child commercial model, I just have to tell him where to stand. With his experience, he is used to being able to remain on a spot. The pose and facial expression comes naturally although some extra direction is always necessary.

Imagination is how I get my child clients to interact. I often instruct them to pretend they are a character. I love the imagination kids have. Sometimes, I have to get into character as well to prompt an expression out of them. It's all part of the game.

Below: Ty declares that As the Blacksmith of the village, his trademark is that he make the strongest and sharpest saws.

The sun was at it's brightest and the area was under a heat advisory on this particular day. We were thankful for the cool shade of the trees that canopies this provincial park.

Aside from the heat, it was a great day to photograph here. A fun time to bond with my little guy and get some awesome shots in!

Below: Here's a quick catch of a deer we came across in the evening as we were leaving the park.

Got kiddos? What are your plans this summer?

xo  Agnes

Agnes Cindy Photography {Child Portraits, Newborn Photography)
Windsor, Ontario Photographer

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