Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Windsor, Ontario Child Portraits | Little Miss {Part One}

Little Miss  |  Part 1

I've endeared her with the nickname "Little Miss" because she certainly was a little Miss Sunshine!
Mom and Dad brought her for a visit in my home-studio. She was dressed perfectly coordinated in pink, black and white. Little did I know this slow to warm, polite and little lady would burst into a ray of sunshine. She just needed some good ole' silliness to come out of that shell.

Here she is warming up her fabulous smile.
Mom and I were playing around with some props and having fun. Little Miss wasn't too thrilled about this mini hat but that's what made it so funny. I asked her to make goofy faces to match the so-called "goofy hat". I would snap images in between the goofy faces when we were laughing. Although she's looking at mom here, I get a good giggle whenever I look back on this image.

All warmed up and ready to dazzle the camera.
Doesn't she have the cutest smile?

Soft Focus. 
This is one of my favourite child poses. Too adorable! 

She is also fitting to the endearment "Little Miss" because I found her quite mature for her age. She took some control over this session. Yes, she did. She picked out the white rug from the selection of others. 

Classic black and white. Precious.

Child Mini Sessions at Agnes Cindy Photography always begin with the child in an outfit chosen by the parents and which they wear in to the studio. A clothing change and backdrop change takes place next. Clients can choose from a nice selection of wearable props to customize their session.

xo  Agnes 
Agnes Cindy Photography {Windsor, Ontario Photographer}

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